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Date May 2018 Marks available 2 Reference code 18M.2.AHL.TZ1.H_11
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 1
Command term Find Question number H_11 Adapted from N/A


Two submarines A and B have their routes planned so that their positions at time t hours, 0 ≤ t < 20 , would be defined by the position vectors rA  = ( 2 4 1 ) + t ( 1 1 0.15 ) and rB  = ( 0 3.2 2 ) + t ( 0.5 1.2 0.1 )  relative to a fixed point on the surface of the ocean (all lengths are in kilometres).

To avoid the collision submarine B adjusts its velocity so that its position vector is now given by

rB = ( 0 3.2 2 ) + t ( 0.45 1.08 0.09 ) .

Show that the two submarines would collide at a point P and write down the coordinates of P.


Find the value of t when submarine B passes through P.


Find the value of t when the two submarines are closest together.


Find the distance between the two submarines at this time.



* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain minor differences in marking or structure.

rA rB        (M1)

2 − t = − 0.5t ⇒ t = 4       A1

checking t = 4 satisfies 4 + t = 3.2 + 1.2t and − 1 − 0.15t = − 2 + 0.1t      R1

P(−2, 8, −1.6)      A1

Note: Do not award final A1 if answer given as column vector.

[4 marks]


( 0.45 t 3.2 + 1.08 t 2 + 0.09 t ) = ( 2 8 1.6 )       M1

Note: The M1 can be awarded for any one of the resultant equations.

t = 40 9 = 4.44      A1

[2 marks]


minimum when  d D d t = 0       (M1)

t = 3.83      A1

[2 marks]


0.511 (km)      A1

[1 mark]


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