Paper 2 style question on topic 1.3 Membrane structure

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1.3 Membrane structure

  • Phospholipids form bilayers in water due to the amphipathic properties of phospholipid molecules.
  • Membrane proteins are diverse in terms of structure, position in the membrane and function.
  • Cholesterol is a component of animal cell membranes.
  • Particles move across membranes by simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis and active transport.
  • Application: Cholesterol in mammalian membranes reduces membrane fluidity and permeability to some solutes.
  • Can you draw a diagram of the fluid mosaic model?
  • Can you explain how evidence from electron microscopy led to the proposal of the Davson-Danielli model?
  • Can you outline the evidence which led to the falsification of the Davson-Danielli model and support of the Singer-Nicolson model?


  • Application: Cholesterol in mammalian membranes reduces membrane fluidity and permeability to some solutes.
  • Skill: Drawing of the fluid mosaic model.
  • Skill: Analysis of evidence from electron microscopy that led to the proposal of the Davson-Danielli model.
  • Skill: Analysis of the falsification of the Davson-Danielli model that led to the Singer-Nicolson model.