Periodic table questions

Assignment: Question Topic 3.1 : The periodic table

This page of questions can be marked as direct student access either for assigning as a test or for students to work on in their own time. If you do not wish to use student access, links to downloadable versions of the questions and, separately the worked answers, can be found at Printable versions of written tasks.


When Mendeleev first discovered the periodic table, he placed the elements in order of their atomic weight (now known as atomic mass). Explain why modern periodic tables contain the elements placed in order of their atomic number.

5 lines



Explain what is meant by the term periodicity.

2 lines



In Mendeleev’s first periodic table the elements were arranged into seven separate groups. Explain why modern periodic tables contain the elements arranged into eighteen separate groups.


3 lines



What information about the electron configurations of aluminium, silicon, and phosphorus can be deduced from the fact that all three elements are located in the same period in the periodic table?

2 lines



What information about the electron configurations of beryllium, magnesium, and calcium can be deduced from the fact that all three elements are located in the same group in the periodic table?

1 line



Potassium, K, is a metal that is located in group 1 in the periodic table. What information about the electron configuration of potassium can be deduced from this information?

1 line



Sulfur, S, is a non-metal that is located in group 16 and in period 3 in the periodic table. Deduce the atomic number of sulfur using only this information.

5 lines



Suggest reasons why hydrogen is sometime located:

i.   at the top of group 1 in the periodic table.

2 lines

ii.   at the top of group 17 in the periodic table.

2 lines

iii.  on its own at the top of the periodic table.

2 lines

iv.  together with helium at the top of the periodic table.

2 lines



Use the periodic table to deduce the full electron configuration of:

i.   selenium (Z = 34)

1 line

ii.  the vanadium(III) ion, V3+

1 line

iii. the zinc(II) ion, Zn2+

1 line

iv. the As3− ion

1 line



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