Photosynthesis 2.9

Photosynthesis is introduced in this topic. The main new idea is that the process is not a single step reaction but a sequence of reactions which occur in different parts of the chloroplast. The photosynthetic pigments are attached to membranes and the enzymes for the light independent reactions are found in the liquid stroma.

Key concepts

Learn and test your biological vocabulary for 2.9 Photosynthesising these flashcards.


These slides summarise the essential understanding and skills in this topic. 
They contain short explanations in text and images - good revision for all students.

Read the slides and look up any words or details you find difficult to understand.


Summary list for topic 2.9 Photosynthesis

  • Photosynthesis uses light energy to produce carbon compounds in cells.
  • Visible light ranges from violet (400nm) the shortest wavelength to red (700nm) the longest.
    (Students are not expected to recall the wavelengths of other colours).
  • Absorption spectrum shows - red and blue light absorbed most and green light least (it is reflected).
  • Photolysis of water produces oxygen (and also ATP & NADPH).
  • Energy ( from photolysis) is needed to produce carbohydrates and other carbon compounds from carbon dioxide.
  • Limiting factors of photosynthesis can be; Temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration.

Skills (can you ....)

  • Understand that photosynthesis have caused changes to the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and rock deposition.
  • Learn how to draw
    • an absorption spectrum for chlorophyll and
    • an action spectrum for photosynthesis.
  • Design experiments to investigate the effect of limiting factors on photosynthesis.
    Ref: control of variables is essential.
  • Separate photosynthetic pigments by chromatography. (Practical 4) either by paper chromatography or thin layer chromatography (gives better results).


This diagram summaries the main sections of topic 2.9.
Test if you can draw something like these concept maps from memory.

Exam style questions

Exam style question about photosynthesis

Understanding the separation and identification of photosynthetic pigments is an important skill from this topic.

Answer the question below on a piece of paper, then check your answer with the model answer below.

The image shows the separation of some photosynthetic pigments from three leaves A,B and C.

Calculate the Rf value of the orange pigments  [2]

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Suggest, with a reason, whether the three leaves are from the same trees or from different trees. [1]

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Click the + icon to see a model answer.

Extra exam style question on the limiting factors of photosynthesis click on the + symbol to open it.

Exam style question about limiting factors of photosynthesis

Understanding the factors that can limit the rate of photosynthesis is an important skill from this topic.

Answer the question below on a piece of paper, then check your answer with the model answer below.

Explain how three named environmental factors can affect the rate of photosynthesis. (6 marks)

 Examiner's hint: Name the factor and give the explanation of its effect. (1+1 mark)

Click the + icon to see a model answer.

Test yourself

This is a self marking quiz containing questions covering the topic outlined above.
Try the questions to check your understanding.


Drag and drop activities

Test your ability to construct biological explanations using the drag and drop questions below.

Photosynthesis - the essential facts in brief

Drag and drop the correct term into the gap to describe photosynthesis.



energy carbon dioxide Chlorophyll chemical oxygen inorganic chloroplasts hydrogen light ATP

Photosynthesis is the manufacture of energy in the form of carbohydrates from energy in the chloroplast of plants. It produces as a waste product.

The process requires an source: sunlight, a carbon source: and a source: water.

pigment in the in photosynthetic plant cells traps the energy from sunlight to produce to provide the energy to drive the anabolic production of organic carbohydrate from compounds.

Explanation - photosynthesis transduces light energy to chemical energy and forms organic carbohydrate from inorganic carbon dioxide and water.

Just for fun

Everyone needs a little bit of light relief after revising hard. This is a set of fun, retro, arcade games which actually continue to help revision of topic 2.9 Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis arcade games.


How much of Photosynthesis 2.9 have you understood?