Paper 2 - Frequently Asked Questions


On this page you can find some of the questions students frequently ask about Paper 2. If you are looking for an answer to a question, or you are uncertain about an aspect of your Paper 2 exam, check out the FAQs below. The questions and answers are relevant to both SL and HL students, unless otherwise stated.


What is Paper 2? Is it an essay?


When do I do the Paper 2 exam?


What percentage of my overall marks are based on Paper 2?


How much time do I have for the exam?


Who will mark my exam?


How am I assessed? What are the marking criteria?


How many questions will I be asked and how many questions should I answer?


Is it possible that I won’t be able to answer any of the questions?


How many literary works should I write about and how do I select appropriate literary works?


Do I need to compare and contrast in my Paper 2 response?


I am asked to compare and contrast. Is that just two ways of saying the same thing?


As I approach the exam, how many literary works should I revise?


Will it be enough to write a five-paragraph essay? Is it desirable?


How many words and/or pages should I write?


 Does my essay need to include quotations?


How much time should I spend planning? How much time should I spend writing my response?


Does Paper 2 need an introduction, including a thesis statement?


Does Paper 2 need a conclusion?


How important is knowing terminology to writing successful Paper 2 essays?


Is it better to write about novels or plays in a Paper 2 response? Is it difficult to write about short stories and poems? If I write about short stories or poems, how many should I write about?


In choosing my works, should I aim to mix literary genres and/or should I ensure I include literary works in translation?


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