Paper 1 - M21 Responses

After all of the speculation, what have the Paper 1 examinations looked like and how are they assessed? The first examinations were in May 2021, and Paper 1 contained an article from the New York Times magazine, alongside an infographic. While there is a COVID-caveat to the examiners' marks, this page will give great insight into student responses and how they scored.

M21 Examination

With the May 2021 Paper 1 assessment being more heavily weighted than normal (given the absence of Paper 2) and with more COVID-19 modifications in the grading thresholds in particular, the Subject Report states clearly that students and teachers shouldn't use this session as an accurate guide of 'normal business' (should that ever return). However, these real student examination responses, and the accompanying examiners' marks and comments provide real insight into what does well and what doesn't.

In particular, it is clear that paying close attention to the Guiding Question and structuring the response around that question is essential to success - if the response is a commentary on the whole text, rather than an analytical response to the question, it won't score well.

With that in mind, try the following task:

  • Read the response first before looking at the examination text if possible (i.e. if you don't already know it);
  • Try to work out what the guiding question might be - i.e. given what you have read, if that's the answer, what's the question?
  • Check it with what the actual guiding questions were for the two texts on this paper, below:

Student Responses

Before going back to the hidden guiding questions (statements) above, read the three responses below. Then guess at what guiding question they are responding to. Then try to match the response with a) the marks, and b) the comments*:

Student #1:

Student #2:

Student #3:

Examiners' Marks

Student x:

Student y:

Student z:

Examiners' Comments

Student a:

Student b:

Student c:

*Examiners' comments are simply and exclusively the short-hand notes put on examined scripts. Some scripts receive no comments, only marks.

The Answers

Which student's response matches with which examiner's mark, and which examiner's comment?



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