2.5 Quadratic Models


Quadratic functions are in the form ax2 + bx + c, and have fascinated mathematicians for centuries. They have some fundamental properties that will explored in this unit. Probably the best known example of quadratic models are for projectiles. Anything that is thrown/launched and is subject to the laws of gravity will likely follow a quadratic path.

Key Concepts

In this unit you should learn to…

  • Understand the general expression of a quadratic function \(y=ax^{2}+bx+c\) and understand the significance of the coefficients.

  • Understand that quadratic functions model situations where there is a constant rate of change

  • Derive and use quadratic models


Slides Gallery

Use these slides to review the material and key points covered in the videos.

1.  About quadratic

This is a general introduction to quadratic functions

2. Key points

Here we cover the key points and features of quadratic models.

3.The y - intercept

A short look at understanding y - intercepts and how to find them.

4.Axis of symmetry and vertex

This covers the ways of finding the axis of symmetry and the coordinates of the vertex of a quadratic model.

5. Working with functions on your GDC

This video uses the context of quadratic functions to cover the key GDC skills needed for working with functions.


This section of the page can be used for quick review. The flashcards help you go over key points and the quiz lets you practice answering questions on this subtopic.

Flash Card

Review this condensed 'key point' flashcard to help you check and keep ideas fresh in your mind.

Test yourself

Self checking quiz

Practice your understanding on these quiz questions. Check your answers when you are done and read the hints where you got stuck. If you find there are still some gaps in your understanding then go back to the videos and slides above.


Exam Style Questions

The following questions are based on IB exam style questions from past exams. You should print these off (from the document at the top) and try to do these questions under exam conditions. Then you can check your work with the video solution.

Question 1

Video solution

Question 2

Video solution

Question 3

Video solution



How much of 2.5 Quadratic Models have you understood?