3.2 Non-right angled trigonometry

Trigonometry for all triangles

Here we take trigonometry to the next level by working with triangles that do not have a right angle. We will work on three key rules. The Sine rule, the Cosine rule and the formula for th area of a triangle. All of these involve linking four bits of information about a given triangle. When you know three of them you can figure out the fourth. These problems are then extended in to three dimensions.

Key Concepts

In this unit you should learn to…

  • Derive, understand and use the sine rule for solving problems in non right angled trigonometry

  • Derive, understand and use the cosine rule for solving problems in non right angled trigonometry

  • Work out the area of a non right angled triangle using trigonometry

  • Solve problems involving the above


Slides Gallery

Use these slides to review the material and key points covered in the videos. 

1. Labelling conventions

Successfully using trigonometry with non right angled triangles depends on sticking to these important conventions. The key is recognising pairs of opposite angles and sides.

2. The Sine rule

What is it and how do we use it to solve problems in non right angled triangles.

3. The Cosine rule

What is it and how do we use it to solve problems in non right angled triangles.

4. Area of a Triangle

How to find the area of a triangle with no right angle and thus, without the perpendicular height.

5. Angles between lines and planes

A brief visual to help you understand what is meant by this idea.


This section of the page can be used for quick review. The flashcards help you go over key points and the quiz lets you practice answering questions on this subtopic.

Flash Cards

Review this condensed 'key point' flashcard to help you check and keep ideas fresh in your mind.

Test yourself

Self Checking quiz

Practice your understanding on these quiz questions. Check your answers when you are done and read the hints where you got stuck. If you find there are still some gaps in your understanding then go back to the videos and slides above.

Exam Style Questions

The following questions are based on IB exam style questions from past exams. You should print these off (from the document at the top) and try to do these questions under exam conditions. Then you can check your work with the video solution.

Question 1

Video solution

Question 2

Video solution

Question 3

Video solution



How much of 3.2 Non-right angled trigonometry have you understood?