
A misconception is an incorrect idea about something that is common among non-experts. We've all been there!

"There's no gravity in space"

There is, but the gravitational force decreases with the square of the distance from a centre of mass.

"Heat rises"

Infrared radiation is unaffected by gravity and spreads outwards evenly in all directions from a point heat source. Particles in a fluid that have been exposed to thermal energy sources rise as part of a convection current, but this is due to the macroscopic concept of density.

On this page you'll learn a few accurate conceptions, with videos to help you communicate this correct understanding to the examiner.

 When a body moves in a circle there is no force outwards

 To lift a body at constant velocity does not require a force bigger than weight

 The Newton's third law reaction to weight is not the normal force

 Negative acceleration does not necessitate reduction in speed

 No work is done when force is perpendicular to motion

 Potential difference and EMF are not equal

 Resistance is the instantaneous ratio of potential difference to current (not gradient)

 Potential energy is not always equal to mgh

 The geographic north pole of the earth contains a magnetic south pole

 Mass is not the same as weight

 Molecules in a liquid are not always further apart than those in a solid

 Air molecules do not vibrate when a sound wave passes

 The normal force acts perpendicular to the surface