Marking Criteria

As a student, it is essential that you know how you are assessed and what the criteria are in each assessed component of the course. Admittedly, there is a lot for you to take in. English language and literature has several assessment components, and English is only one of several subjects that, in most cases, you have to juggle. Nevertheless, if you don't know what the marking criteria are, it is difficult to understand what you are being assessed on, and it is difficult to improve your perrformance over time. Therefore, we don't suggest that you try to develop a detailed understanding of the individual markbands, but knowing what each criteria is and what is assessed is necessary. You can find the marking criteria below. We have modified them slightly from the IB's 'official' version to make them more 'student friendly'. The criteria can be accessed on the page and are available in a version to be printed off.

Paper 1: Guided Textual Analysis


Paper 1: Guided Textual Analysis


Paper 2: Comparative Essay


Paper 2: Comparative Essay

Individual Oral


Individual Oral

Higher Level (HL) Essay


Higher Level (HL) Essay

Marking Criteria for Printing


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