Paper 1 - More Samples


Getting the balance between showing a deep understanding of the text's thematic meaning and implications, and deconstructing the features of the text type and other stylistics techniques and devices is essential to score well in Paper 1. Make sure you know what sorts of issues you should be spotting!

Matching Responses to Feedback

Below you'll find three responses to this text. See if you can match the student response #1, #2, and #3, to the feedback a, b, and c, and to the marks x, y, and z.

Student Response #1:

Student Response #2:

Student Reponse #3:

Feedback & Criterion Marks

Match the responses to the following:

Feedback a):

Feedback b):

 Feedback c):

Criterion Marks x):

Criterion Marks y):

Criterion Marks z):


How much of Paper 1 - More Samples have you understood?