Paper 1 - Sample texts and student work

This page gives examples of the types of non-literary texts you might receive for text-heavy and image-heavy analyses in Paper 1. Take a look and consider how you would perhaps respond to them - use the structure guide in this site to help you. Try assessing the student examples, too, and improve your understanding of what is expected.

Text A:

Text B:

Student Responses - Text B:

Student #1

 Student #2

Text A:

Text B:

Student Responses - Text B:

Student #1

Student #2

Things to Consider

What would an examiner take into account when reading these responses?



How would you grade these four examples? Perhaps, instead of marking them /20, consider ranking them in order of quality, to see if you can identify what good things can be taken from each.


How much of Paper 1 - Sample texts and student work have you understood?