1.1 Standard Index Form


\(a \times 10^k, \space where \space 1 \leq a<10 \space and \space k\in \mathbb{Z}\)

This is a small sup-topic to introduce or recap numbers in standard form. We will learn how to convert between numbers in standard form and base form, alongside learning how to operate with this succinct and helpful way to express numbers. 

Key Concepts

In this unit you should learn to…

  • Convert numbers from standard form to normal form and vice versa. 

  • Apply your understanding of standard form in applications questions. 


Learn about it

The following is a series of videos that will help you understand, learn about and review this sub-topic.

 1. Introducing Standard Form

Why do we need a different way of representing numbers? What pre-requisite knowledge do I need to be able to access this topic?

 2. Converting numbers

Can you convert a number from standard form to normal form? What about the other way around?

3. Specifying Numbers in Standard Form

Let's be a little more specific on the exact definition of numbers in standard form.

4. Applications of Standard Form

Three problems which highlight important aspects of using standard form in applied questions.


Test yourself


Practice your understanding on these quiz questions. Check your answers when you are done and read the worked solutions when you get stuck. If you find there are still some gaps in your understanding then go back to the videos above.

Exam Style Questions

The following questions are based on IB exam style questions from past exams. You should print these off (from the document at the top) and try to do these questions under exam conditions. Then you can check your work with the video solution.

Question 1

Video Solution

 Question 2

Video Solution

Question 3

Video Solution


How much of 1.1 Standard Index Form have you understood?