1.4 & 1.7 Compound Interest, Loans and Annuities

This chapter explores the financial application of geometric sequences in the form of compound interest calculations. It then goes on to look at loans and annuities where payments at regular intervals make for some complex algorithms.  The finance app on your GDC is a huge help here and this chapter will talk you through using all of that.

Key Concepts

In this chapter you will learn about and practice,

  • The concept of compound interest as repeated percentage increase and depreciation as repeated percentage decrease.
  • working with different compounding periods
  • Solving problems in involving loans and annuities
  • Learning how to use your GDC in different ways and, in particular the finance app to solve problems in involving all of the above


Compound Interest Slides

The following slides outline the key points to know and understand about compound interest and include lots of worked examples. See the video section below for explanations.

Compound Interest Videos

The following series of videos explain all the key points and go through worked examples

1. Compound Interest Concept

Here we look at understanding and carrying out compound interest calculations, how it works and what it means.

2. Different Compounding periods

In this video we look at how to deal with different compounding periods, when interest is calculate more often than once a year.

3. The Compound Interest Formula

Here we look at the compound interest formula that you have in your formula booklets and show how it fits with what was done in the first two videos.

4. The finance app for Compound Interest calculations

Here we look at how to use your finance app to do compound interest calculations and, in particular, for problems where you need to solve for time and interest rate.

5. Depreciation

This video shows how the same principles used above apply to work with depreciation.

Loans & Annuities Slides

The following slides outline the key points to know and understand about loans and annuities and include lots of worked examples. See the video section below for explanations.

Loans & Annuities Videos

The following series of videos explain all the key points and go through worked examples

6. Introduction to Loans & Annuities

Here we look at understanding and carrying out compound interest calculations, how it works and what it means.

7. Focus on loans

Working through examples of solving problems with loans.

8. Focus on savings annuities

Working through examples of solving problems with savings annuities.

9. Focus on gift annuities

Working through examples of solving problems with gift annuities.


Summary - coming soon

These slides summarise the essential understanding and skills in this topic. They are what we have previously included as 'Flash Cards' or 'revision cards

Insert rotating gallery here

Test yourself

Self Checking Quiz

Practice your understanding on these quiz questions. Check your answers when you are done and read the worked solutions when you get stuck. If you find there are still some gaps in your understanding then go back to the videos above.

Exam Style Questions - coming soon

The following are exam style questions on this topic that you should try on your own before checking against the video solution.

Question 1

Put in a good quality image of the first exam question - this is a non expandable panel (solution goes in the hidden box)

Question 2

Put in a good quality image of the first exam question - this is an expandable panel. (solution goes in the hidden box)

Question 3

Put in a good quality image of the first exam question - this is an expandable panel. (solution goes in the hidden box)

repeat expandable panels as necessary

Just for Fun

This session might include an idea for an exploration or a thought provoking question. This section can also be deleted (easily done via the code page) If it has nothing in it it should be deleted



How much of 1.4 & 1.7 Compound Interest, Loans and Annuities have you understood?