Photoelectric effect and photons

The photoelectric effect is indisputable evidence for the particle nature of light. Particles of light are discrete and named photons. The energy of a photon depends not on intensity but frequency.

Key Concepts

Photoelectric effect

There is a significant body of evidence for the wave model of light including interference and diffraction. Reflection and refraction are also wave properties, but are not exclusive to waves.

The photoelectric effect is evidence only for the quantum nature of light.

When light is shone on a metal plate, electrons in the plate are excited and may escape the surface (photoelectrons). The results of the experiment are:

  • Below a certain frequency of light, no electrons are emitted, regardless of the intensity of the light. This is evidence against the wave theory (in which continuous waves would eventually build up sufficient energy for escape).
  • When the frequency is increased (i.e. towards or into the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum), a threshold frequency is reached at which electrons are emitted. These are the electrons closest to the surface of the metal. The energy required to just release the electrons is the work function. This observation indicates that a single particle of light gives its entire energy to a single electron.
  • Above the threshold frequency, increasing the frequency gives the electrons a higher maximum kinetic energy. The range of kinetic energies comes from the variation in where the electrons were located in the metal. This graph shows how the energy of the photoelectrons varies with frequency; none are emitted before the threshold frequency but then kinetic energy increases linearly with frequency.

  • Above the threshold frequency, increasing the intensity increases the number of electrons released in a given time, but not the maximum kinetic energy.


Photons are discrete packets of electromagnetic energy. The higher the frequency of the electromagnetic energy, the higher the energy of the photon:


  • \(E\) is photon energy (J)
  • \(h\) is Planck's constant (6.63×1034 Js)
  • \(f\) is frequency (Hz)

Einstein's equation

Einstein considered the conservation of energy during the photoelectric effect and got a Nobel prize as a result. The energy of the incoming photon becomes the energy required to release the electron and the electron's kinetic energy. When the electron requires only the work function to be released, the kinetic energy is maximum:



  • \(f_0\) is threshold frequency for a given material (Hz)
  • \(\Phi\) is work function for a given material (J)
  • \(E_\text{max}\) is maximum kinetic energy


Wave particle duality

The main deficiency in the wave model of light for explaining the photoelectric effect is that an increased intensity should increase the energy of the electrons. Over time, enough energy would be built up for electrons to be released. And the intensity should increase the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons.

Millikan's experiment

Millikan's experiment enabled the determination of Planck's constant. Millikan placed the irradiated metal plate in a circuit with a vacuum gap. The vacuum gap meant that only photoelectrons could provide a current. For a given frequency of light, a potential difference could be supplied to repel the photoelectrons such that those with the maximum kinetic energy were just prevented from reaching across the gap.

The kinetic energy lost by an electron was equal to the potential energy gained in the uniform field:


  • \(e\) is the charge on an electron (C)
  • \(V\) is the stopping potential (V)


A graph could, for example, be plotted of stopping potential against frequency of light to obtain Planck's constant.

Energetic interactions with matter

The photoelectric effect is a relatively low energy interaction between photons and matter. What about medium and high energy interactions?

Compton scattering

When the energy of a photon far exceeds the energy required to release an electron (e.g. X-ray frequencies), the electron can be approximated as being free. When the photon collides with the electron, the electron gains energy and momentum; both of these quantities are conserved in the collision.

This indicates that the photon had momentum, a property normally associated with matter because of its mass. The photon's loss of energy can be observed in its lower frequency (and increased wavelength).

Pair production and annihilation

The photons of highest energy (i.e. gamma frequencies) have sufficient energy that it can be converted into the mass of particles, according to \(E=mc^2\). Alternatively, particle mass can be converted into electromagnetic radiation.

Pair production occurs when a photon passes near to a nucleus. This condition is necessary to conserve both mass-energy and momentum. The energy of the photon must match or exceed the combined mass of a particle and its antiparticle, for example an electron and positron. This also satisfies conservation of lepton number and charge.

The opposite, when an electron and positron meet and annihilate, produces two gamma photons. This process also conserves charge, lepton number, mass-energy and momentum, the latter because of the opposite directions of the photons.

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