Renewable sources II

Norway (home to Chris!) is well-known as a producer of oil and gas. However, the landscape means that domestic electricity can be supplied entirely by hydroelectric power.

This page includes some interactive resources about three key renewable resources:

  • Hydroelectric
  • Wind
  • Solar (both direct heating and photovoltaic cells

Key Concepts

Hydroelectric power

Infrared thermal energy from the sun drives the water cycle, causing rain to fall on mountains.

Potential energy in the water can be converted to electrical energy in a hydroelectric power station.

Wind power

Energy from the sun heats some of the air, causing winds.

The kinetic energy in the wind can be converted to electrical energy by a wind turbine.


Sunlight can be harvested directly by two means.

Solar heating

Energy from the sun can be used to heat water directly that can be used in central heating systems. In cold countries a heat pump can be used to raise the temperature to a usable level.


Photovoltaic cells

A photovoltaic cell converts the energy in light into electrical energy.

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