AHL Static fluids

Don't be fooled into thinking that only solids are 'heavy' and that we can approximate everything as a volume-less particle. Fluids, such as liquids, have a density, exert an upward buoyancy on anything that should displace them, have increasing pressure with depth and are used in hydraulics to exert huge forces.

Key Concepts


Density is a material property (like Resistivity), which means that it is a constant value for a given material irrespective of its dimensions. The density of copper wire is the same as the density of a copper block.

Density is defined as the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume:

\(\rho={m\over V}\)

  • \(\rho\) is density (kg m-3)
  • \(m\) is mass (kg)
  • \(V\) is volume (m-3)

Solids (especially metals) have a high density due to their high concentration of particles; copper's density is approximately 9000 kg m-3. Liquids come next; water has a density of 1000 kg m-3. Gases have a low density; air has a density of approximately 1 kg m-3 at sea level.


Every object that displaces a fluid experiences the upward force of buoyancy as a consequence. For solid objects falling in the atmosphere, this is often negligible in comparison with upward drag forces. However, buoyancy can cause objects to float - provided that the density of the fluid matches or exceeds the density of the object.


At a surface

Pressure is the ratio of force acting to the surface area:

\(P={F\over A}\)

  • \(P\) is pressure (Pa)
  • \(F\) is force (N)
  • \(A\) is surface area (m2)

At a depth

It can be helpful to think of our lives as taking place at the bottom of an ocean of atmosphere. The atmosphere presses down on us due to gravity. While we do not feel impeded by this, atmospheric pressure has a value of approximately 105 Pa.

Within a container of fluid, pressure increases with depth. This is because, the further down you go, the larger the force acting from the fluid above. Consider the force as emerging from the mass of the fluid, which in turn can be calculated using its density and volume. For a container of constant cross-sectional area:

\(P={F\over A}={m_f g\over A}={\rho_f V g\over A}\)

\(\Rightarrow P_f=\rho_f gd\)

  • \(P_f\) is the pressure in a fluid (Pa)
  • \(\rho_f\) is the density of the fluid (kg m-3)
  • \(g\) is gravitational field strength (on earth, 9.81 N kg-1)
  • \(d\) is depth (NB: downward from the surface) (m)

By Matt Cook - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45705236

To find the total pressure acting at a depth in a fluid, we combine atomospheric pressure and the pressure due to the fluid:

\(P=P_0 +\rho_f gd\)

  • \(P\) is total pressure (Pa)
  • \(P_0\) is atmospheric pressure (on earth, 105 Pa)
  • \(\rho_f\) is the density of the fluid (kg m-3)
  • \(g\) is gravitational field strength (on earth, 9.81 N kg-1)
  • \(d\) is depth (NB: downward from the surface) (m)



Archimedes' principle

Archimedes' principle allows us to calculate the magnitude of fhe force of buoyancy. Buoyancy is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced, which we calculate using the fluid's density and volume (rather than mass):

\(B=\rho_f V_f g\)

  • \(B\) is buoyancy (N)
  • \(\rho_f\) is the density of the fluid (kg)
  • \(V_f\) is the volume of fluid that is displaced by the object (m3)
  • \(g\) is gravitational field strength (on earth, 9.81 N kg-1)

For an object that is fully submerged, the volume of the displaced fluid is equal to the volume of the object. For a floating object or an object that is partly submerged, only the volume of the object withn the fluid displaces fluid. Note that it is impossible for an object to float without displacing any fluid (however much polystyrene might appear to rest on top of a container of water!).

Pascal's principle

Pascal’s principle states that a change in pressure at any point in a confined fluid at rest is transmitted to all points in the fluid. For an incompressible fluid confined by two pistons, a change in pressure on the first piston causes an equal change in pressure on the second piston.

We can calculate these pressures using combinations of the following equation for the change in pressure:

\(\Delta P={\Delta F \over A}=\rho_f g \Delta d\)

  • \(\Delta P\) is the change in pressure (Pa)
  • \(\Delta F\) is the change in force (N)
  • \(A\) is the cross-sectional area of a piston (m2)
  • \(\rho_f\) is the density of the fluid (kg m-3)
  • \(g\) is gravitational field strength (on earth, 9.81 N kg-1)
  • \(\Delta d\) is the compression or retraction distance moved through by a piston (m)

One implication of Pascal's principle is the ability of a single human to raise the height of a much heavier object. Provided the area of the piston below the heavy object is much larger than the area of the piston where the human force is exerted, the human force can be much smaller:

\({\Delta F_1\over A_1}={\Delta F_2\over A_2}\)

This is an example of hydraulics, the use of fluids in engineering.

Hydrostatic equilibrium

A fluid is in hydrostatic equilibrium when it is at rest or when velocity is constant.

Measuring pressure: manometer

A manometer is a device for measuring the pressure acting on a fluid. It consists of a U-shaped tube with constant cross-sectional area containing a fluid.

The pressure acting exerts a force on one side of the manometer tube. The fluid moves around the tube until hydrostatic equilibrium is reached. At this point, the relative heights of the fluid can be used to calculate the pressure.

The ideal fluid

An ideal fluid is:

  1. Incompressible - density is constant no matter what pressure is exerted
  2. Nonviscous - there are no frictional forces between layers of fluid
  3. In steady flow - mass flowrate (the quantity of mass of a fluid moving past any point in a given quantity of time) is constant

Ideal fluids do not exist, but we have used assumption '1' on this page. We will consider the others in the next section.

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