Electric field lines

Field lines indicate the direction of the force experienced by a small positive test charge and the size of the force.

Key Concepts

The electric field between two parallel plates is uniform, which means that the size of the electric force is the same everywhere.

To draw a uniform field:

  1. Use a ruler at all times - every field line is straight and parallel
  2. The field lines should have equal distances between them
  3. The field lines should be perpendicular to the plates
  4. The direction of force is from the more positive plate to the less positive plate

NB: An electric force is experienced by charges where there is any field.


An electric field is a region of space where a charge will experience a force.

We can't see fields, but we can draw field lines to give a visual representation. These show the direction a positive charge would accelerate.

When drawing field lines:

  1. Make sure they start on a + and/or end on a -
  2. Ensure your lines never cross (NB: force is a vector quantity so there would be a resultant direction)
  3. Lines drawn closer together indicate that the field is stronger. The field lines drawn from a point charge should be evenly distributed.
  4. Straight lines need to be drawn with a ruler
  5. Use arrows to show the direction of the lines

Test Yourself

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