Equilibrium AHL (HL only) paper 1 questions

Topic 17.1

Paper 1 style questions are multiple choice. You are not permitted to use a calculator or the data book for these questions, but you should use a periodic table.

periodic table pop-up is available on the left hand menu.


Which is correct for a spontaneous reaction?

ΔGo = −RT lnK

For a reaction to be spontaneous Gibb's free energy must be negative. This means that the equilibrium constant, K, must be greater than one (Natural log, ln, of a number less than 1 will be negative).

ΔGo will be negative and Kc > 1 is therefore the correct answer.


Which is true when this reaction is at equilibrium?

2NO2 (g) ⇌ N2O4 (g)

You should know that Gibb's free energy, ΔGo, is always negative for a spontaneous reaction, so we might expect the position of equilibrium to correspond to the minimum value of Gibb's free energy.

The total entropy of a system is inversely related to the Gibb's free energy, so when ΔGo is at a minimum, ΔStotal, is at a maximum.

You need to learn that for any reaction at equilibrium: The position of equilibrium corresponds to a maximum value of entropy and a minimum value of Gibb's free energy.

Thus, Entropy is at a maximum and Gibb's free energy is at a minimum is the correct answer.


Which is correct given that at temperature, T, ΔGo = −12.9 kJmol−1 at equilibrium.

N2O4 (g) ⇌ 2NO2 (g)

ΔGo = −RTlnK

ΔGo is negative, so K must be greater than one (Natural log, ln, of a value less than one will give a positive number, which would mean that ΔGo would be positive).

And if K > 1, then the products must be favoured over the reactants (since products are on the top of the Kc expression).

The correct answer is therefore Kc > 1 and the equilibrium favours the products.


Iodine and bromine gases were mixed and allowed to reach equilibrium. What is the value of the equilibrium constant?

I2 (g) + Br2 (g) ⇌ 2IBr (g)

[I2] [Br2] [IBr]
Initial concentration0.40 0.40 0
Equilibrium concentration0.20 0.20 x

Using the initial-change-equilibrum (ICE) moles table (or RICE if you include the mole ratio):

I0.40 0.40 0
C−0.20 −0.20 +0.40
E0.20 0.20 0.40

The non-bold information is given in the question.

The change in concentration (which is the same as the change in number of moles in this example, since the volume terms will all cancel) for I2 and Br2 is −0.20.

The mole ratio for I2 or Br2 to IBr is 1:2, so 0.20 moles used up will produced +0.40 moles of IBr.

\(K_c = {[IBr]^2 \over [I_2][Br_2]}\)

\(K_c = {0.40^2 \over 0.20 \times0.20}\)

\(K_c = {0.16 \over 0.04}\)= 4

The correct answer is 4.0


1.0 mol of N2 (g), 1.0 mol of H2 (g) and 1.0 mol of NH3 (g) are sealed in a 1.0 dm3 cylinder and left to reach equilibrium.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇌ 2NH3 (g)

If the equilibrium concentration of N2 (g) is 0.9 mol dm−3, what are the equilibrium concentrations of H2 (g) and NH3 (g) in mol dm−3?

Using the initial-change-equilibrum (ICE) moles table (or RICE if you include the mole ratio):

N2 (g)+3H22NH3 (g)
I1.0 1.0 1.0
C−0.1 −0.3 +0.2
E0.9 0.7 1.2

The non-bold information is given in the question.

The total volume is 1.0 dm3, so the moles values will also be the concentration values.

We have initial and equilibrium moles of N2 so the 1st step is to calculate the change in N2: 1.0 to 0.9 is a change of −0.1

If we have the change in N2 we can then calculate the change in H2 (2nd): The mole ratio is 1:3, so the change in H2 will be −0.3 and [H2] = 0.7.

Lastly (3rd) we can calculate the change in moles of NH3. The mole ratio of N2 : NH3 is 1:2, so the change in NH3 will be +0.2 and [NH3] = 1.2.

Therefore the correct answer is [H2] = 0.7 and [NH3] = 1.2


Components X and Y were mixed and allowed to reach equilibrium. The relative concentrations of X, Y, W and Z at equilibrium are 2, 2, 1 and 4 respectively.

What is the value of the equilibrium constant?

2X + Y W + 2Z

Using the equilibrium expression:

\(K_c = {[W][Z]^2 \over [X]^2[Y]}\)

\(K_c = {1 \times4^2 \over 2 \times2^2}\)

\(K_c = {16 \over 8}\)= 2

The correct answer is 2


1 mol of A and 1 mol of B were mixed and allowed to reach equilibrium.

What is the value of the equilibrium constant?

A + B C + D

As the mole ratio for the equilibrium is 1 : 1 : 1 : 1, the moles of A and the moles of B that are used up, will be equal to the moles of C and moles of D that are produced. Hence, the relative concentrations of A, B, C and D at equilibrium are 1−\(x\), 1−\(x\), \(x\) and \(x\) respectively.

Using the equilibrium expression:

\(K_c = {[C][D] \over [A][B]}\)

\(K_c = {x.x \over (1-x)(1-x)}\)

\(K_c = {x^2 \over (1-x)^2}\)

Which is therefore the correct answer.


Components J and K were mixed and allowed to reach equilibrium. The forward reaction is exothermic.

At 300K, the relative concentrations of J, K, L and M at equilibrium are 4, 1, 4 and 2 respectively.

What can be deduced about the value of the equilibrium constant at 600K?

J + K 2L + M

Using the equilibrium expression:

\(K_c = {[L]^2[M] \over [J][K]}\)

\(K_c = {4^2 \times2 \over 4 \times1}\)

\(K_c = {32 \over 4}\)= 8 at 300K

But 600K is higher than 300K, and at higher temperature the equilibrium will favour the reverse (endothermic) direction which will decrease the value of the equilibrium constant.

The correct answer is therefore Kc < 8


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