Practice Paper 1 exams

Paper 1 'mock' exams


As you learn over the two year course you should gain plenty of practice at answering multiple choice questions from the many 20-question example multiple choice tests on each main topic. These will also get you used to using a multiple choice answer sheet. In addition each sub-topic on this site has ten quiz questions which are in a multiple choice format. The advantage of the quiz format is that not only is the best answer given by clicking on ‘check’ but there is also an explanation as to why it is the best answer.

Past IB Paper 1 exams are a good source for you to practice for the final multiple choice exam on the whole course but they do not explain the answers. The attached are effectively ‘mock’ Paper 1 exams in quiz format which can be used as review(US)/revision(UK) at the end of the course. They consists of 30 IB-style questions for SL and 40 IB-style questions for HL all of which are brand new and do not appear elsewhere on this site. They may be assigned by your teacher as a formal test, they may be done together as a class or you can simply ask your teacher to give you access to them so you can work through them in your own time. 


One of the benefits of a 'mock' Paper 1 exam is to get you used to answering 30 (SL) or 40 (HL) questions in the time limit of 45 minutes (SL) or 1 hour (HL) (i.e. an average of 1.5 minutes per question). A calculator should not be used for this quiz and the periodic table given in Section 6 of the IB data booklet should be the only reference material available (except for a simple translating dictionary for those who do not have English as their first language). You should work through all the questions in the exact time allowed then check your answers to get a percentage mark. The most important thing is for you to then improve your knowledge and understanding of chemistry by learning from your mistakes.

SL 'Mock' Paper 1 (1) 

SL 'Mock' Paper 1 (2)  

SL 'Mock' Paper 1 (3)  

HL 'Mock' Paper 1 (1)  

HL 'Mock' Paper 1 (2)

HL 'Mock' Paper 1 (3)   

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