Electron configuration questions

Assignment: Questions on Topic 2: Electron configuration

This page of questions can be marked as direct student access either for assigning as a test or for students to work on in their own time. If you do not wish to use student access, links to downloadable versions of the questions and, separately the worked answers, can be found at Printable versions of written tasks.

The energy level diagram shown is for hydrogen.

Describe the arrows you would need to draw on the energy level diagram to show:

(a) the electron transition which will give the third line in the visible series of the hydrogen
emission spectrum.
(b) the electron transition which will give the third line in the ultraviolet series of the hydrogen
emission spectrum.
(c) the transition that relates to the ionisation energy of a hydrogen atom.

3 lines



State the full electron configuration of:

i. a free nitrogen atom.

1 line

ii. an uncombined bromine atom.

1 line

iii. [Ar]3d54s2 (or [Ar]4s23d5).

1 line

iv. Fe3+.

1 line

v. an uncombined chromium atom.

1 line

vi. Ge2+.

1 line



Describe how arrows should be added to the boxes below to represent electrons.

3 lines

(Note that there is some debate about whether the 4s sub-level is lower or higher in energy than the 3d sub-level - both are acceptable to the IB.)

3 lines




Explain why it is important to label the x, y and z axes when drawing out the shape of a p orbital.

3 lines



Explain why a potassium atom contains an electron in a 4s orbital with no electrons in a 3d orbital whereas a copper(I) ion, Cu+, has the electronic configuration [Ar]3d10 with no electrons in the 4s orbital.

5 lines



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